To get the most blessing out of your time together, it's important to prepare ahead of time
It's not just a weekend where you come to get a spiritual high and then go home to the next spiritual slump.
We will gather together, pray, open up to each other, just like the disciples of the First Apostolic Church.
We desire a deep revival through the power of the Holy Spirit. But this will not happen even at our live meeting, if you do not take your side of responsibility seriously.
You can do your training in several ways! Below are a few suggestions, but the most important thing is that you ask God what He wants from you.
Pray and ask God what idols you cling to and what you need to give to Him!
Make a personal reassessment of your life and habits.
Fast from junk food, fast food, internet surfing, entertainment media, or other noisy distractions that distance you from God or destroy your body.
Ask to pray for you (family, closest friends, spiritual mentor) for your growth and victory over weaknesses
The weekend will be held at the base of the Your Camp camp near Chernivtsi
We look forward to meeting you at the ZhVD weekend!
For everyone who feels
You need to add the phone number to which "Telegram" is registered
Total ticket price: 1515 hryvnias 15 kopecks
To complete registration, you need to join Telegram channel, and pay for the weekend stay in the amount of - 500 hryvnias You can pay online or in cash at the camp, just bring the required amount with you.
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