Recovery and Joy: An Unforgettable Week at 'Your Camp'

Recovery and Joy at "Your Camp" And another wonderful week passed at the "Your Camp" camp, where every day was filled with fruitful work and visible results. From April 15 to 21, 2024, 77 children from Chernivtsi and Ivano-Frankivsk regions had an unforgettable opportunity to meet new friends, recover spiritually, psychologically and physically. Charity rehabilitation drive […]

Week of Love and Hope: Report on the Winter Charity Drive at the 'Your Camp' Camp

Opening hearts to prayer and love Amen is loudly shouted by every child in the hall after the prayer "Our Father" by pastor Igor Timko. 74 sincere hearts, wounded by life's difficulties and war, had the opportunity to spend a week at the winter charity drive in the "Your Camp" camp from January 8 to 14, 2024. Responsibility to the children of Ukraine Now in Ukraine there is a need for [...]


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